Frequently Bought Together
A simple and effective solution to increase the sale!
This add-on helps your business to grow by encouraging your customers to spend more with this upselling feature.
Frequently Bought Together add-on displays bundled products which your customers would love to purchase long with the product they are buying.
This add-on displays related or bundled Products as a “Frequently Bought Together” carousel beneath the main Product detail, just like on Amazon.
This feature can help you to grow your business by improving average order volume and value by reducing abandoned cart ratio.
Product Video Thumbnails
An extra ordinary way to showcase your product videos!
User’s engagement has always been a key factor for site ranking and business growth. On the other hand, displaying products videos are being pain for the store owners. Major store owners are facing this issue.
If you are one of them, then your search will end up with this Product Video Thumbnails. Now, displaying product videos are so much easy with this Add-on.
If you have the video, there’s no extra work on your end—this Product Video Thumbnails add-on leverages the existing BigCommerce video fields to create the thumbnail.
This add-on will automatically pull the video and displays it alongside your photo thumbnails, allowing the customer to easily access and watch while clicking through the gallery.
Just grab this add-on for one time and display as much product video as you want for each product. This will improve the user experience, help you to attract more users.

Color Swatches on Product Listing
Impress your customers by showing color swatch option on the product listing
Displaying color swatch option on the product listing page can enhance the user experience. It can help your customer to view the swatch option without navigating to the product detail page.
This add-on pulls swatch options into a row of clickable thumbnails that appear beneath relevant Products on the Category page. Customers can click the images to preview the Swatch Option image. It works with your existing Product Options and Product Option Rules and requires no merchant setup.
Infinite Scroll Products
Showcase all products on a single page without having pagination. One survey statics shows that the customer heats navigating pages by clicking on the pagination and this becomes a pain for the store owners having a long list of products inside the category.
But with this add-on, you can get free from this issue. Now you will have a freedom to show your all products on a single page without having pagination and without affecting page loading speed.
Infinite Scroll Products Loading add-on is built on the lazy-loading feature and a smooth animation effect so the products will get loaded while the user scrolls the page only. So it won’t affect the page loading speed as well.
This add-on is a perfect solution for the store owners having a lot of products in each category. It will make an easy and good user experience for your users and happy users can be easily transferred into happy customers.

Image Swap on Hover
Express a different state of your product image in a modern way! Grab your customer’s attention without affecting your page speed.
Image Swap on Hover is one of our most amazing and versatile add-ons, which simply allows you to give your users more information.
Image Swap on Hover addon uses smooth CSS based animation instead of using heavy java scripts which supports all modern browsers and devices and avoids any page loading issue.
Using this add-on, you can display a different product image to your user when they hover over it. The implementation of this add-on is quite simple to install and works dynamically so it won’t create any junk code.
This add-on can be implemented on category page as well as on product detail page.
Custom Transactional Email Template Branding
Give wings to your business by customizing the traditional email templates to something creative that suits to your business. By introducing the transactional email templates, BigCommerce has nailed out a lot of limitations and opened new scopes of customization. Now you have the power to customize the email templates as per your requirement and we have taken it one step ahead by creating this add-on, which gives you wings to your creativity.
BigCommerce does provide a very simple traditional email template to interact with the users which is very basic and not eye catchy at all.
But when it comes to creating a brand, email plays a major role in the shopping experience and an expression of a merchant’s brand.
So, it is very important to have attractive and eye-catchy email templates which can represent you as a brand in Infront of your customer.
This simple change to your store can give a great user experience to your store users and happy users can be easily get converted into happy customers. Which is what every store owner’s ultimate goal.

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